Securing Participants' Access to a SurveyThere are two levels when securing participants' access to a survey. The first level consists of setting the survey's "Access Types" to "Private". When a survey is set to "Private", the participants need to provide a unique participation code to access the questionnaire and respond. The simplest way of providing a unique participation code to participants is to invite them by email by using the email invitation functionality in Interceptum. Each participant will then receive a unique participation code automatically generated by Interceptum. It is also possible to use your own participant codes by using the generate participation code functionality so that each participant will need to use a unique code (for example an employe number or student number).
It is also possible to further secure access to a survey by asking participants to validate their personal information before they are granted access to the survey. For example, by asking them to confirm their date of birth. When you invite participants to complete the survey by using the email invitation functionality in Interceptum, you will need to provide all the information that the participants will need to validate before they can access the survey. Securing Access with Unique Participation CodeTo secure the participants' access to a survey with unique participation, follow these steps:
Securing Access by Requiring Validation of Personal InformationTo secure the participants' access to a survey with the validation of personal information, follow these steps: